Friday, January 13, 2012

Valentine Gift Ideas

14 Days of Love
This can range in prices just like all of them. Just let me know how much you want to Splurge on your love one this year.

2-n-1 Shave Gel
Hydrating Lotion

(what is in front of the gift bag is what is inside)

Satin Hands Set

Mini Fragrances

Mini Fragrances
(again this is to show you what is wrapped)

Mary Kay Eau de Toilette body lotion and perfume Exotic Passionfruit
$40.00 also available in Forever Orchid and Simply Cotton

Lip Gloss and Cream Lipstick

Lip Gloss and Cream Lipstick

Thinking of You perfume and body lotion

Lacquer Stacker's
$32.00 (set of four)

Mascara and Eyeliner

So as you can see there are many choices. You can choose one of these ideas or I can put something else together for you. You just let me know the Last date for orders will be JAN 3, 2011 unless I still have on hand what you want to order. So to make sure you get want you want make sure you get your order in early. You are welcome to browse through the catalog at
Happy Valentine's Day